Your Skin Rhythm is:

A Water Skin Rhythm needs a deep drink of loving calm... and moisture! Skin that tends toward dryness and reactivity due to various internal and external factors greatly benefits from a gentle, streamlined skin care ritual that provides consistent comfort to help soothe upsets, quell redness, and guide you back to glowing peace.
Quench your skin's thirst for dewiness and balance with this nourishing skin care ritual that, when combined with your own healing touch, rejuvenates your natural glow, moves out stagnation, and encourages resiliency in skin that brings long-term vibrancy and health.

A Water Skin Rhythm needs a deep drink of loving calm... and moisture! Skin that tends toward dryness and reactivity due to various internal and external factors greatly benefits from a gentle, streamlined skin care ritual that provides consistent comfort to help soothe upsets, quell redness, and guide you back to glowing peace.
Quench your skin's thirst for dewiness and balance with this nourishing skin care ritual that, when combined with your own healing touch, rejuvenates your natural glow, moves out stagnation, and encourages resiliency in skin that brings long-term vibrancy and health.
Quench your skin's thirst for dewiness and balance with this nourishing skin care ritual that, when combined with your own healing touch, rejuvenates your natural glow, moves out stagnation, and encourages resiliency in skin that brings long-term vibrancy and health.

1. Cleanse & Exfoliate
1. Massage Peridot Cleansing Balm onto dry skin to fully release makeup and debris while softening congestion. Pay special attention to neck and jawline to ease tension and increase lymph flow. Cradle skin with a steamed cloth for removal, pressing the cloth against skin and gently sweeping off. Repeat steamed cloth until all traces of oil are removed.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water or cleanse with Sterling Honey Polish based on your skin’s needs. Let your intuition guide you.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water or cleanse with Sterling Honey Polish based on your skin’s needs. Let your intuition guide you.
2. Mask & Treat
Several times per week, smooth Sterling over makeup-free skin and massage with wet fingertips into a creamy emulsion. Keep on for a few minutes before rinsing clear. As a mask, apply a slightly thicker layer and leave on for as long as you desire.
Enjoy a weekly mask of Onyx Purity Mask to help relieve any disturbances in skin. With your treatment brush and bowl, mix one tablespoon of powder with a little less than one tablespoon of water into a rich foaming mousse. Paint onto skin and allow to penetrate until just dry. Try rinsing off in the shower for easy removal. Add a dollop of Sterling for a softer, less drawing mask.

1. Cleanse & Exfoliate
1. Massage Peridot Cleansing Balmonto dry skin to fully release makeup and debris while softeningcongestion. Pay special attention to neck and jawline to ease tensionand increase lymph flow. Cradle skin with a steamed cloth for removal,pressing the cloth against skin and gently sweeping off. Repeat steamedcloth until all traces of oil are removed.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water or cleanse with Sterling Honey Polish based on your skin’s needs. Let your intuition guide you.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water or cleanse with Sterling Honey Polish based on your skin’s needs. Let your intuition guide you.

2. Mask & Treat
Several times per week, smooth Sterlingover makeup-free skin and massage with wet fingertips into a creamyemulsion. Keep on for a few minutes before rinsing clear. As a mask,apply a slightly thicker layer and leave on for as long as you desire.
Enjoy a weekly mask of Onyx Purity Maskto help relieve any disturbances in skin. With your treatment brush andbowl, mix one tablespoon of powder with a little less than onetablespoon of water into a rich foaming mousse. Paint onto skin andallow to penetrate until just dry. Try rinsing off in the shower foreasy removal. Add a dollop of Sterling for a softer, less drawing mask.

3. Hydrate
After cleansing or masking, mist face and neck generously with Rose Quartz Botanical Mist. This essential step gives skin a necessary layer of hydration and prepares skin to fully absorb oils.
4. Moisturize
Massage Blue Opal Solid Serum into damp skin to lock in hydration with calming moisture that soothes even the most delicate of skin. Pair with Moonstone Rejuvenation Elixir for brightening and extra moisture.
These two skin healing gems work well individually or layered together for deeper nourishment. Let your intuitive knowing guide you to what your skin needs for day and night care.
3. Hydrate
After cleansing or masking, mist face and neck generously with Rose Quartz Botanical Mist. This essential step gives skin a necessary layer of hydration and prepares skin to fully absorb oils.

4. Moisturize
Massage Blue Opal Solid Serum into damp skin to lock in hydration with calming moisture that soothes even the most delicate of skin. Pair with Moonstone Rejuvenation Elixir for brightening and extra moisture.
Thesetwo skin healing gems work well individually or layered together fordeeper nourishment. Let your intuitive knowing guide you to what yourskin needs for day and night care.

Experience the Water Skin Rhythm Ritual with a Discovery Kit filled with 6 generously sized samples and a printed ritual card to guide you step-by-step.
ships for free within the US

Experience the Water Skin Rhythm Ritual with a Discovery Kit filled with 6 generously sized samples and a printed ritual card to guide you step-by-step.
ships for free within the US