Some of the happiest places on earth for me are in nature and at my worktable in the PSE apothecary. At my core I’m a plant nerd, spirit walker, and craftswoman dedicated to making potions filled with the healing powers of the earth.
Recently I found a new happy place behind a microphone sharing deep conversation about intentional beauty, how skin is a portal to another realm, gem alchemy, and energy healing with Mercedes Lyson on her podcast, Your Purpose is Beauty.
You may know Mercedes from her gorgeously curated project, L'amour et la Music on youtube and instagram. Mercedes is someone with whom I had the joy of getting to know in person when she lived in Boston several years ago, and is one of the voices in the eco-beauty world I truly admire and respect for her candor, discernment, and empowering perspectives (as well as her otherworldly eyeliner abilities!)
Listen in on our conversation and enjoy the special PSE bonus gift at the end! You’ll also get a peek into what makes me tick as Mercedes applies her astrology skills to reveal the planetary influences that shape my work and connection to beauty.
In Mercedes's words, “I hope this conversation will truly nourish you, and inspire you to consider the powerful perspective that beauty IS truth and truth IS beauty. In an uncertain world, there is real power in this reclamation.”
Enjoy listening! You can find our conversation, episode #51 of Your Purpose is Beauty podcast on:
Spotify, iHeart Radio, Simplecast, and Apple Podcasts.