Fire Skin Rhythm Ritual

1. Cleanse & Exfoliate
Massage Peridot Cleansing Balm onto dry skin to fully release makeup and debris while softening congestion. Pay special attention to neck and jawline to ease tension and increase lymph flow. Cocoon skin with a steamed cloth for removal, pressing cloth against skin and gently sweeping off. Repeat steamed cloth until all traces of oil are removed.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water, or wake up skin with Sea Pearl Exfoliating Clay based on your current need.
2. Mask & Treat
3. Treat skin 1-2 times a week with Onyx Purity Mask to help coax out stubborn congestion, relieve hyper-pigmentation, and boost circulation. With your treatment brush and bowl, mix a tablespoon of powder with just less than a tablespoon of water into a rich mousse. Paint onto skin and allow to penetrate until just dry. Rinse off in the shower for easiest removal.

1. Cleanse & Exfoliate
Massage Peridot Cleansing Balm onto dry skin to fully release makeup and debris while softening congestion. Pay special attention to neck and jawline to ease tension and increase lymph flow. Cocoon skin with a steamed cloth for removal, pressing cloth against skin and gently sweeping off. Repeat steamed cloth until all traces of oil are removed.
In the morning simply refresh skin with a few splashes of water, or wake up skin with Sea Pearl Exfoliating Clay based on your skin's (and mood's) current need.

2. Mask & Treat
3. Treat skin 1-2 times a week with Onyx Purity Mask to help coax out stubborn congestion, fade hyper-pigmentation, and boost circulation. With your treatment brush and bowl, mix a tablespoon of powder with just less than a tablespoon of water into a rich mousse. Paint onto skin and allow to penetrate until just dry. Rinse off in the shower for easiest removal.

3. Hydrate
4. Moisturize
3. Hydrate

4. Moisturize